Welcome to the

Medical Office of
Alister A. George, M.D.

Gastroenterology & Hepatology
  • "Dr. George and his staff operate a very excellent and professional office."

  • "Excellent compassionate doctor and staff. Loved Doctor’s follow-up with me."

  • "Dr. George and his staff are the greatest! My lifelong suffering from GI issues came to an end when I found Dr. George."

  • "Thank you all for such wonderful attention and for making me feel safe. Dr. George & all the staff were amazing. Thank you all!"

  • "Dr. George is concerned for the comfort of his patients and is sensitive to their feelings. I sincerely appreciate this outstanding Doctor and his wonderful Staff."

  • "I couldn’t be more pleased with Dr. George and his wonderful staff. This was my 2nd visit."

  • "Aside from making me feel better, the best thing about your service are your people. They were professional, smiling and happy and that made me feel good."

  • "Dr. George is the best."

  • "I would only use Dr. George."

  • "Everyone was exceptional!"

Our Office

Specializes In:


Gastrointestinal Diseases

We treat disorders such as trouble swallowing, sore throat, throat clearing, chest burning, heartburn, indigestion, excessive belching, abdominal distention, stomach pain, ulcers, changes in bowel habits, flatulence, bleeding, hemorrhoids and other intestinal conditions.


Liver Diseases

We treat disorders of the liver and pancreas such as Cirrhosis, Alcoholic Liver Disease, Fatty Liver, all types of Hepatitis (A, B, and C), AutoImmune Hepatitis, PSC, PBC and other acute and chronic liver conditions.


Gastrointestinal Procedures

We are exceptionally skilled in performing gastrointestinal tract endoscopy procedures such as Upper Endoscopy, Enteroscopy, Colonoscopy, ERCP, and more than 10 years of experience performing Fecal Transplants to cure C.Difficile Colitis.

Our Family

Caring for Yours

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Made Daily

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Our Mission

Is Life

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Request an Appointment


3510 N. Moorpark Road, Suite 201

Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

P (805) 492-4800
F (805) 492-4880

Office Hours: Mon-Fri

9 am – 12 pm & 2 pm – 5 pm

Caring Hearts

You’ll Feel
at Home

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Trusted Because We Care

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
– Leo Buscaglia


Alister A. George, M.D. is a board certified, highly trained and experienced gastroenterologist who specializes in diagnosing and treating all forms of gastrointestinal diseases and disorders, from heartburn to peptic ulcers to colon cancer.


Gastrointestinal diseases are considered among the most common of medical complaints. These pesky symptoms can be quite frustrating and require a special kind of expertise. Dr. George, known for his caring compassion and excellent bedside manner, is a seasoned diagnostician who fully understands your unique digestive symptoms and is dedicated to helping you get back on the road to good health.


Dr. George’s uniquely specialized training and 20+ years of experience as a trusted gastroenterologist allows him to provide higher quality and more comprehensive care for patients with digestive health conditions.


If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms of GI disorders, you may want to see a gastroenterologist:
• Rectal bleeding
• Bowel movement urges that are hard to control
• Diarrhea
• Change in bowel habits
• Pale-colored stools
• Heartburn (acid reflux)
• Abdominal pain or bloating
• Excessive gas or belching
• Esophageal pain
• Vomiting
• Loss of appetite or weight

Request an Appointment or Get More Info

If you are a current patient or have health concerns that you wish to discuss, it is best to call us at (805) 492-4800.


Please note: This message form is not intended as a tool for reporting a medical emergency or medical problem. It will not go to a physician and is only monitored during normal business hours. If you have critical or timely information, please contact the physician directly. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911.

    Medical Office

    Alister A. George, M.D.

    Endoscopy Center

    Digestive Health Center of Thousand Oaks

    Be proactive about your health.  Stop colon cancer before it starts.

    Emergency Call

    In case of urgent, feel free to ask questions.